Poovandaren Chetty - Umnotho Training and Development

Pooven Chetty, CEO of Umnotho Business Consulting spent his work day in a wheelchair to raise funds for Little Eden Society and to raise awareness of #mobility challenges faced by individuals with profound intellectual disabilities and those with physical disabilities.

Computer literacy has been taken seriously at
Beacon Ridge Primary
Beacon Ridge Primary School can now boast of a state-of-the-art computer laboratory thanks to a generous sponsor, Poovanderen Chetty of Umnotho Business Consulting.

Computer literacy has been taken seriously at
Beacon Ridge Primary

     Poovandaren Chetty sponsored the refurbishment of the computer laboratory, recently, bringing much joy and excitement to Beacon Ridge Primary.

The grateful school community headed by the principal, Mr. Vayapuri, was thankful to him for being part of their vision of making every pupil computer literate.


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